International Students- Dealing with difficult cases


Shachar Yanai
2 Termin(e), 14.10.24, 15.10.24, Mo, 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr, Di, 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr (16 UE)
Alle Termin(e) im Detail anzeigen / im Kalender speichern
Entgelt360,00 €
Rabattierte Entgelte
FU Beschäftigte*r:kostenfrei
Beschäftigte*r eines Kooperationspartners des Weiterbildungszentrums:306,00 €
(detaillierte Angaben erhalten Sie mit der Kurszusage)

Hochschulmitarbeiter*innen aus Lehre und Verwaltung

Contents of the workshop
Studying abroad is usually a rewarding experience but it can also be very stressful. The challenges of acclimatizing to a new physical and social environment and adjusting to different cultural norms and academic demands increase the likelihood for heightened levels of stress and anxiety and could potentially trigger existing or past conditions. Being away from home, support systems such as family and friends are much less accessible, making the coping process more difficult.
As university professionals we have two main tasks: first, to ease the process of acclimatization and second, to provide the necessary support for students in need. We should also be able to make the tough decision of sending a student back home under severe circumstances.
In this workshop we will be using actual case studies to develop approaches policies and practices that can enable us to succeed in these two tasks. Using role-play and open exchange of ideas and best practices we will address key questions and dilemmas related to dealing with international students who have serious difficulties adjusting to their programs and surroundings.

Some of the topics we will be covering are:
  • How to create a soft landing for international students.
  • Identification of students in need (including pre-landing preparation).
  • The different roles and responsibilities of faculty administration and student-life staff.
  • Making support systems accessible. Accommodating students' needs (and the limits of accommodation).
  • Communication with family and the sending institution.
  • Dealing with emergency situations (mental and physical health related).
  • Intercultural aspects.

Learning how to mitigate difficulties related to the study abroad experience and knowing better how to support students in need.
Learning how to deal with emergency situations related to international students.

Short lectures (Trainer), moderated discussion phases, case studies intercultural simulation(s) and role play.

Please note: The language during the workshop will be English.

Veranstaltungsorganisation: David Baig

Für Beschäftigte der Verbundpartnerinnen (HU Berlin, TU Berlin, Charité) werden die Kosten von der Berlin Leadership Academy übernommen.
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Berlin Leadership Academy
Büro der Freien Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie
Arbeitsbereich Sozial-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin

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