Managing International Employees in Germany: Cultural Differences, Expectations, and Getting off to the Right Start (entfällt)


06.05.2024 (1-mal) 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr (9 UE)

Rabattierte Entgelte
Beschäftigte*r eines Kooperationspartners des Weiterbildungszentrums:161,50 €
FU Beschäftigte*r:kostenfrei
(detaillierte Angaben erhalten Sie mit der Kurszusage)

Successfully managing international employees in a research setting can be challenging. International employees – both those who have recently relocated to Germany and those who have been in Germany for several years - often have unique expectations shaped by cultural differences that affect their understanding of the workplace and of “good management”. Additionally, they face stressors related to the cross-cultural transition that can affect their work and their relationships with colleagues and may not be familiar with the ins and outs of the German academic system. This can have an effect on productivity, lead to avoidable conflicts, and impact research across the team.
In this short workshop, we’ll learn how to best support international employees in the workplace. We’ll explore potential employee expectations, how to successfully onboard international employees, how to effectively give feedback, and how best to support international employees in their work.

Target Group: 
Academic leadership staff with international employees

• How can I better understand and anticipate international employee’s expectations for the
workplace? How might these expectations differ from those of employees who have spent the majority of their academic career in Germany?

• What steps can I take to support international employees in my team and help them to better integrate into the workplace? What can I do to help them be effective in their work?

• How can I effectively give feedback to international employees with different cultural backgrounds and experiences?

• What can I do to anticipate and reduce potential conflicts in the workplace and support a cohesive and collaborative team environment?

Interactive input, whole group activities, small group activities, peer coaching

Veranstaltungsorganisation: David Baig

Für Führungskräfte der Verbundpartnerinnen (HU Berlin, TU Berlin, Charité) werden die Kosten von der Berlin Leadership Academy übernommen.
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Berlin Leadership Academy
Büro der Freien Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie
Arbeitsbereich Sozial-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin


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